One of my collecting goals is to get
one card of each player who has ever played for the Boston Red Sox. The rules
are as follows:
1. Preferably a Topps card, but not too
2. Player/manager must be in Red Sox
uniform on the card (though can be from a set issued after the player/manager
Here are the players and managers I
Name Position Year(s)
David Aardsma P 2008-2009
Jerry Adair SS 1967-1968
Bob Adams P 1925
Terry Adams P 2004
Doc Adkins P 1902
Benny Agbayani LF 2002
Sam Agnew C 1916-1918
Rick Aguilera P 1995
Matt Albers P 2010-2012
Izzy Alcantara 1B 1998-2001
Dale Alexander 1B 1932-1933
Mel Almada OF 1933-1937
Hector Almonte P 2003
Nick Altrock P 1902-1903
Abe Alvarez P 2004-2007
Brady Anderson RF 1988
Brian Anderson RF 2009
Fred Anderson P 1909-1913
Jimmy Anderson P 2004
Ernie Andres 3B 1946
Kim Andrew 2B 1975
Ivy Andrews P 1932-1933
Shane Andrews 3B 2002
Pete Appleton P 1932
Frank Arellanes P 1908-1910
Charlie Armbruster C 1905-1907
Rolando Arrojo P 2000-2002
Bronson Arroyo P 2003-2006
Casper Asbjornson C 1928-1929
Billy Ashley DH 1998
Ken Aspromonte 2B 1957-1958
Pedro Astacio P 2004
Scott Atchison P 2009-2012
James Atkins P 1950-1952
Elden Auker P 1939
Leslie Aulds C 1947
Bobby Avila 2B 1959
Ramon Aviles 2B 1977
Joe Azcue C 1969
Burke Badenhop P 2013-2014
Lore Bader P 1917-1918
Cory Bailey P 1993-1994
Gene Bailey OF 1920
Jeff Bailey LF 2004-2009
Al Baker P 1938
Del Baker MGR 1960
Floyd Baker 3B 1953-1954
Jack Baker 1B 1976-1977
Tracy Baker 1B 1911
Neal Ball 2B 1912-1913
Willie Banks P 2001-2002
Walter Barbare 3B 1918
Frank Barberich P 1910
Josh Bard C 2006,
Brian Bark P 1995
Brian Barkley P 1997-1999
Babe Barna OF 1943
Steve Barr P 1974-1975
Bill Barrett OF 1929-1930
Bob Barrett 3B 1929
Frank Barrett P 1944-1945
Jimmy Barrett OF 1907-1908
Tom Barrett 2B 1992
Barrow MGR 1918-1920
Ed Barry P 1905-1907
Jack Barry 2B;
MGR 1915-1919
Aaron Bates 1B 2006-2011
Matt Batts C 1947-1951
Frank Baumann P 1955-1959
Jason Bay LF 2008-2009
Bill Bayne P 1929-1930
Rod Beck P 1999-2001
Hugh Bedient P 1912-1914
Stan Belinda P 1995-1996
Gary Bell P 1967-1968
Juan Bell SS 1995
Adrian Beltre 3B 2010
Esteban Beltre 3B 1996
Mike Benjamin 2B 1997-1998
Frank Bennett P 1927-1928
Al Benton P 1952
Moe Berg C 1935-1939
Boze Berger SS 1939
Charlie Berry C 1928-1932
Quintin Berry LF 2013
Sean Berry 3B 2000
Damon Berryhill C 1994
Hal Bevan 3B 1952
Ben Beville P 1901
Elliot Bigelow OF 1929
Jack Billingham P 1980
John Bischoff C 1925-1926
Dave Black P 1923
Tim Blackwell C 1974-1975
Clarence Blethen P 1923
Red Bluhm PH 1918
Larry Boerner P 1932
Boof Bonser P 2009-2010
Ike Boone OF 1923-1925
Ray Boone 1B 1960
Toby Borland P 1997
Tom Borland P 1960-1961
Sam Bowen OF 1977-1980
Stew Bowers P 1935-1937
Joe Bowman P 1944-1945
Chad Bradford P 2005
Herb Bradley P 1927-1929
Hugh Bradley 1B 1910-1912
Cliff Brady 2B 1920
King Brady P 1908
Mark Brandenburg P 1996-1997
Fred Bratschi OF 1926-1927
Ralph Brickner P 1952
Jim Brillheart P 1931
Drake Britton P 2011-2014
Adrian Brown CF 2003
Dusty Brown C 2006-2010
Jamie Brown P 2004
Kevin Brown C 2002
Lloyd Brown P 1933
Mace Brown P 1942-1946
Mike Brumley SS 1991-1992
Jim Bucher 3B 1944-1945
Damon Buford CF 1997-1999
Kirk Bullinger P 1999
Fred Burchell P 1907-1909
Jesse Burkett OF 1905
Morgan Burkhart 1B 2000-2001
George Burns 1B 1922-1923
Mike Burns P 2006-2007
Joe Bush P 1918-1921
Jack Bushelman P 1911-1912
Frank Bushey P 1927-1930
Bill Butland P 1940-1947
Bud Byerly P 1958
Jim Byrd PR 1993
Marlon Byrd CF 2012
Paul Byrd P 2008-2009
Fernando Cabrera P 2008-2010
Hick Cady C 1912-1917
Earl Caldwell P 1948
Ray Caldwell P 1919
Dolph Camilli 1B 1945
Paul Campbell 1B 1941-1946
Jose Canseco DH 1994-1997
Chris Capuano P 2014
Walter Carlisle OF 1908
Swede Carlstrom SS 1911
Cleo Carlyle OF 1927
Roy Carlyle OF 1925-1926
Mike Carp LF 2013-2014
Hector Carrasco P 2000
Bill Carrigan C; MGR 1906-1916
Ed Carroll P 1929
Chris Carter RF 2007-2009
Joe Cascarella P 1935-1936
Sean Casey 1B 2008
Kevin Cash C 2007-2008,
Scott Cassidy P 2005
Carlos Castillo P 2001
Rex Cecil P 1944-1945
Chet Chadbourne 2B 1906-1907
Bob Chakales P 1957
Wes Chamberlain OF 1994-1995
Esty Chaney P 1913
Ed Chaplin C 1920-1922
Ben Chapman OF 1937-1938
Pete Charton P 1964
Ken Chase P 1942-1943
Charlie Chech P 1909
Robinson Checo P 1997-1998
Bruce Chen P 2003
Jack Chesbro P 1909
Loyd Christopher OF 1945
Joe Cicero OF 1929-1930
Eddie Cicotte P 1908-1912
Pedro Ciriaco SS 2012-2013
Galen Cisco P 1961-1962,
Danny Clark 3B 1924
Otey Clark P 1945
Phil Clark 1B 1996
Tony Clark 1B 2002
Royce Clayton SS 2007
Lance Clemons P 1974
Tex Clevenger P 1954
Bill Clowers P 1926
George Cochran 3B 1918
Robert Coello P 2010-2011
Jack Coffey 2B 1918
Alex Cole OF 1996
Dave Coleman OF 1977
Michael Coleman RF 1997-2000
Lou Collier 3B 2003
Jimmy Collins 3B;
MGR 1901-1907
Ray Collins P 1909-1915
Rip Collins P 1922
Merl Combs SS 1947-1950
Ralph Comstock P 1915
Bunk Congalton OF 1907
Bud Connolly SS 1925
Ed Connolly P 1964
Ed Connolly C 1929-1932
Joe Connolly OF 1924
Bill Conroy C 1942-1944
Aaron Cook P 2012
Dusty Cooke OF 1933-1936
Jimmy Cooney 2B 1917
Guy Cooper P 1914-1915
Wil Cordero LF 1996-1997
Bryan Corey P 2006-2008
Rheal Cormier P 1995,
Vic Correll C 1972
Jim Corsi P 1997-1999
Marlan Coughtry 2B 1960
Fritz Coumbe P 1914
Ted Cox DH 1977
Doc Cramer OF 1936-1940
Gavvy Cravath OF 1908
Paxton Crawford P 1999-2002
Pat Creeden 2B 1931
Bob Cremins P 1927
Cesar Crespo SS 2004
Lou Criger C 1901-1908
Zach Crouch P 1988
Rick Croushore P 2000-2001
Jose Cruz Jr. RF 2005
Leon Culberson OF 1943-1947
Midre Cummings RF 1998-2000
Nig Cuppy P 1901
Milt Cuyler OF 1996
Babe Dahlgren 1B 1935-1936
Pete Daley C 1955-1959
Dom Dallessandro OF 1937
Babe Danzig 1B 1909
Bob Daughters PR 1937
Ivan De Jesus 2B 2012
Cot Deal P 1947-1948
Rob Deer OF 1993
Pep Deininger P 1902
Manny Delcarmen P 2005-2010
Alex Delgado C 1996
Don Demeter OF 1966-1967
Brian Denman P 1982
Sam Dente 3B 1947
Mike Derrick OF 1970
Gene Desautels C 1937-1940
Mel Deutsch P 1946
Mickey Devine C 1920
Hal Deviney P 1920
Al Devormer C 1923
Juan Diaz 1B 2002
George Dickey C 1935-1936
Emerson Dickman P 1936-1941
Bob Didier C 1974
Lenny DiNardo P 2004-2007,
Bill Dinneen P 1902-1907
Bob DiPietro OF 1951
Ray Dobens P 1929
Joe Dobson P 1941-1950,
Sam Dodge P 1921-1922
John Doherty P 1996
Andy Dominique 1B 2004
John Donahue OF 1923
Pat Donahue C 1908-1910
Brendan Donnelly P 2006-2007
Chris Donnels 3B 1995
Pete Donohue P 1932
Patsy Donovan MGR 1910-1911
Tom Doran C 1904-1906
Harry Dorish P 1947-1949,
Jim Dorsey P 1984-1985
Patsy Dougherty OF 1902-1904
Tommy Dowd OF 1901
Danny Doyle C 1943
Clem Dreisewerd P 1944-1946
Jean Dubuc P 1918
Hugh Duffy MGR 1921-1922
Joe Dugan 3B 1922
George Dumont P 1919
Ed Durham P 1929-1932
Cedric Durst OF 1930
Earley P 1960-1965
Elmer Eggert 2B 1927
Howard Ehmke P 1923-1926
Hack Eibel OF 1920
Alan Embree P 2002-2005,
Clyde Engle 3B 1910-1914
Todd Erdos P 2001
Al Evans C 1951
Bill Evans P 1951
Hoot Evers OF 1952-1954
Homer Ezzell 3B 1924-1925
Carmen Fanzone 3B 1970
Steve Farr P 1994
Doc Farrell 2B 1935
Duke Farrell C 1903-1905
Jeff Fassero P 2000
Wes Ferrell P 1934-1937
Hobe Ferris 2B 1901-1907
Dave Ferriss P 1945-1950
Chick Fewster OF 1922-1923
Tommy Fine P 1947
Lou Finney 1B 1939-1945
Gar Finnvold P 1994
Howie Fitzgerald OF 1926
Ira Flagstead OF 1923-1929
Al Flair 1B 1941
Bill Fleming P 1940-1941
Bryce Florie P 1999-2001
Ben Flowers P 1951-1953
Lee Fohl MGR 1924-1926
Chad Fonville 2B 1999
Frank Foreman P 1901
Happy Foreman P 1926
Gary Fortune P 1920
Casey Fossum P 2001-2003
Eddie Foster 3B 1920-1922
Rube Foster P 1913-1917
Bob Fothergill OF 1933
Boob Fowler 3B 1926
Chad Fox P 2003
Matt Fox P 2010-2011
Pete Fox OF 1941-1945
Ray Francis P 1925
Buck Freeman OF 1901-1907
Hersh Freeman P 1952-1955
John Freeman OF 1927
Charlie French 2B 1909-1910
Bernie Friberg 2B 1933
Owen Friend SS 1955
Todd Frohwirth P 1994
Jeff Frye 2B 1996-2000
Oscar Fuhr P 1924-1925
Frank Fuller 2B 1923
Curt Fullerton P 1921-1933
Kason Gabbard P 2006-2007
Gary Gaetti DH 2000
Fabian Gaffke OF 1936-1939
Eric Gagne P 2007
Del Gainer 1B 1914-1919
Denny Galehouse P 1939-1940,
Bob Gallagher PH 1972
Ed Gallagher P 1932
Jim Galvin PH 1930
Bob Garbark C 1945
Rich Garces P 1996-2002,
Billy Gardner 2B 1962-1963
Larry Gardner 3B 1908-1917
Cliff Garrison P 1928
Ford Garrison OF 1943-1944
Alex Gaston C 1926-1929
Milt Gaston P 1929-1931
Joey Gathright CF 2009,
Charlie Gelbert 3B 1940
Wally Gerber SS 1928-1929
Justin Germano P 2012
Dick Gernert 1B 1952-1959
Doc Gessler OF 1908-1909
Chappie Geygan SS 1924-1926
Joe Giannini SS 1911
Norwood Gibson P 1903-1906
Andy Gilbert OF 1942-1946
Don Gile 1B 1959-1962
Frank Gilhooley OF 1919
Bernard Gilkey RF 2000
Bob Gillespie P 1950
Grant Gillis 2B 1929
Joe Ginsberg C 1961
Ralph Glaze P 1906-1908
Harry Gleason 3B 1901-1903
Joe Glenn C 1940
John Godwin 3B 1905-1906
Chuck Goggin 2B 1974
Wayne Gomes P 2002
Mauro Gomez 1B 2012-2013
Joe Gonzales P 1937
Enrique Gonzalez P 2008-2009
Eusebio Gonzalez SS 1918
Geremi Gonzalez P 2005
Johnny Gooch C 1933
Tony Graffanino 2B 2005-2006
Charlie Graham C 1906
Lee Graham OF 1983
Skinny Graham OF 1934-1935
Dave Gray P 1964
Craig Grebeck SS 2001
Nick Green SS 2009
Vean Gregg P 1914-1916
Marty Griffin P 1928
Guido Grilli P 1966
Ray Grimes 1B 1920
Myron Grimshaw 1B 1905-1907
Marv Grissom P 1953
Kip Gross P 1998-2000
Turkey Gross SS 1925
Ken Grundt P 1996-1997
Creighton Gubanich C 1999
Mike Guerra C 1951
Bobby Guindon 1B 1964
Randy Gumpert P 1952
Eric Gunderson P 1995-1996
Hy Gunning 1B 1911
Mark Guthrie P 1999
Ricky Gutierrez SS 2004
Don Gutteridge 2B 1946-1947
Casey Hageman P 1911-1912
John Halama P 2005
Odell Hale 2B 1941
Ray Haley C 1915-1916
Bill Hall LF 2010
Charley Hall P 1909-1913
Chris Hammond P 1997
Josh Hancock P 2002
Chris Haney P 2002
Craig Hansen P 2005-2008
Tim Harikkala P 1999
Harry Harper P 1920
Billy Harrell 3B 1961
Bill Harris P 1938
Bucky Harris MGR 1934
Joe Harris OF 1922-1925
Joe Harris P 1905-1907
Mickey Harris P 1940-1949
Reggie Harris P 1996
Willie Harris CF 2006
Slim Harriss P 1926-1928
Jack Harshman P 1959
Chuck Hartenstein P 1970
Grover Hartley C 1927
Mike Hartley P 1995
Charlie Hartman P 1908
Chad Harville P 2005
Bill Haselman C 1994-1997,
Herb Hash P 1940-1941
Fred Hatfield 3B 1950-1952
Clem Hausmann P 1944-1945
Jack Hayden OF 1906
Frankie Hayes C 1947
Ed Hearn SS 1910
Randy Heflin P 1945-1946
Fred Heimach P 1926
Bob Heise 3B 1975-1976
Charlie Hemphill OF 1901
Tim Hendryx OF 1920-1921
Olaf Henriksen OF 1911-1917
Bill Henry P 1952-1955
Butch Henry P 1997-1998
Jim Henry P 1936-1937
Dustin Hermanson P 2002
Jeremy Hermida LF 2009-2010
Ramon Hernandez P 1977
Jonathan Herrera SS 2013-2014
Mike Herrera 2B 1925-1926
Tom Herrin P 1954
Joe Heving P 1938-1940
Johnnie Heving C 1924-1930
Charlie Hickman 1B 1902
Rich Hill P 2010-2012,
Hob Hiller 3B 1920-1921
Gordie Hinkle C 1934
Paul Hinrichs P 1951
Eric Hinske 1B 2006-2007
Paul Hinson PR 1928
Harley Hisner P 1951
Billy Hitchcock 1B 1948-1949
Dick Hoblitzel 1B 1914-1918
George Hockette P 1934-1935
Johnny Hodapp 2B 1933
Mel Hoderlein 2B 1951
Billy Hoeft P 1959
Jack Hoey OF 1906-1908
Fred Hofmann C 1927-1928
Ken Holcombe P 1953
Dave Hollins DH 1995
Billy Holm C 1945
Mike Holtz P 2006
Tony Horton 1B 1964-1967
Dwayne Hosey OF 1995-1996
Chris Howard P 1994
Paul Howard OF 1909
Les Howe P 1923-1924
Bob Howry P 2002-2003
Peter Hoy P 1992
Waite Hoyt P 1919-1920
Ken Huckaby C 2006
Joe Hudson P 1995-1997
George Huff MGR 1907
Ed Hughes P 1905-1906
Terry Hughes 3B 1974
Tom Hughes P 1902-1903
Tex Hughson P 1941-1949
Bill Humphrey P 1938
Ben Hunt P 1910
Buddy Hunter 2B 1971-1975
Herb Hunter OF 1920
Butch Huskey RF 1999-2000
Bert Husting P 1902
Adam Hyzdu LF 2004-2005
Conor Jackson LF 2011
Damian Jackson 2B 2003
Beany Jacobson P 1907
Lefty Jamerson P 1924
Bill James P 1919
Chris James DH 1995
Hal Janvrin SS 1911-1918
Kevin Jarvis P 2006
Tom Jenkins OF 1925-1926
Bobby Jenks P 2010-2012
Marcus Jensen C 2001
Keith Johns 2B 1998
Bob Johnson OF 1944-1945
Deron Johnson DH 1974-1976
Hank Johnson P 1933-1935
Jason Johnson P 2006
Rankin Johnson P 1914
Vic Johnson P 1944-1945
Joel Johnston P 1995
Smead Jolley OF 1932-1933
Bobby M. Jones P 2004
Charlie Jones OF 1901
Hunter Jones P 2008-2009
Jake Jones 1B 1947-1948
Rick Jones P 1976
Sam Jones P 1916-1921
Todd Jones P 2003
Eddie Joost SS 1955
Duane Josephson C 1971-1972
Oscar Judd P 1941-1945
Joe Judge 1B 1933-1934
Ryan Kalish CF 2009-2013
Rudy Kallio P 1925
Ed Karger P 1909-1911
Andy Karl P 1943
Marty Karow SS 1927
Benn Karr P 1920-1922
Al Kellett P 1924
Red Kellett SS 1934
Win Kellum P 1901
Ed Kelly P 1914
Ken Keltner 3B 1950
Russ Kemmerer P 1954-1957
Bill Kennedy P 1953
Kevin Kennedy MGR 1995-1996
Joe Kerrigan MGR 2001
Joe Kiefer P 1925-1926
Bobby Kielty LF 2007-2008
Jack Killilay P 1911
Byung-Hyun Kim P 2003-2004
Walt Kinney P 1918
Red Kleinow C 1910-1911
Bob Kline P 1930-1933
Ron Kline P 1969
Bob Klinger P 1946-1947
Brent Knackert P 1996
John Knight 3B 1907
Hal Kolstad P 1962-1963
Andy Kosco OF 1972
Casey Kotchman 1B 2009-2010
Jack Kramer P 1948-1949
Rick Kreuger P 1975-1977
Rube Kroh P 1906-1907
John Kroner 2B 1935-1936
Marty Krug SS 1912
Candy Lachance 1B 1902-1905
Kerry Lacy P 1996-1997
Ty Laforest 3B 1945
Eddie Lake SS 1943-1945
Fred Lake MGR 1908-1909
Bill Lamar OF 1919
Rick Lancellotti 1B 1990
Jim Landis OF 1967
Sam Langford PH 1926
Mike Lansing SS 2000-2001
Frank Laporte 2B 1908
Adam LaRoche 1B 2009
John Larose P 1978
Lyn Lary SS 1934
Johnny Lazor OF 1943-1946
Dud Lee SS 1924-1926
Sang-Hoon Lee P 2000-2001
Bill Lefebvre P 1938-1939
Lou Legett C 1933-1935
Regis Leheny P 1932
Paul Lehner OF 1952
Nemo Leibold OF 1921-1923
John Leister P 1987-1990
Mark Lemke 2B 1998
Dutch Leonard P 1913-1918
Dutch Lerchen SS 1910
Louis Leroy P 1910
Curtis Leskanic P 2004
Duffy Lewis OF 1910-1917
Jack Lewis 2B 1911
Ted Lewis P 1901
Jim Leyritz DH 1998
John Lickert C 1981
Brent Lillibridge CF 2012
Derek Lilliquist P 1995
Che-Hsuan Lin CF 2009-2012
Johnny Lipon SS 1952-1953
Hod Lisenbee P 1929-1932
Dick Littlefield P 1950
Greg Litton 2B 1994
Don Lock OF 1969
George Loepp OF 1928
James Lofton SS 2001
Steve Lomasney C 1999
Walter Lonergan 2B 1911
James Loney 1B 2012
Brian Looney P 1995
Felipe Lopez 2B 2010
Javier Lopez P 2006-2009
Javy Lopez C 2006
Harry Lord 3B 1907-1910
Johnny Lucas OF 1931-1932
Joe Lucey P 1925
Lou Lucier P 1943-1944
Del Lundgren P 1926-1927
Tony Lupien 1B 1940-1943
Walt Lynch C 1922
Brandon Lyon P 2003,